The Wheaton Blog

The Art of Feng Shui and How it Will Help You Adjust to Your New Space

March 16, 2015 | New Home Living

Feng shui enhances any environment and empowers individuals to improve every aspect of life-health, wealth, relationships, and career. The art of Feng shui spans centuries. As a Chinese philosophical system of harmonizing everyone with the environment, Feng shui translates to literally mean “wind and water” in English.

Wind and Water

How does the concept of wind and water play into this ancient system? Feng shui discusses invisible forces and how those forces bind the universe, earth, and humanity together to create qi. According to the Zang Shu, or Book of Burial, Chinese philosophers believe “qi rides the wind and scatters, but it is retained when encountering water.” Qi is the central aspect of feng shui and attaining qi will allow any home and its residents to thrive.

But how can you attain qi-a perfect balance of wind and water-in your home?

Through feng shui, you can move things around in your new place to create a perfect balance and enhance your quality of life. It doesn’t take much to make the change, but once you do, you’ll feel an immense improvement in your day-to-day life.

Keep Your Space Clean

De-cluttering is one of the perks of moving and one of the most important aspects of feng shui. Instead of packing up junk and transporting it from one location to another, leave it behind. Arrive at your new location with as little as possible so you don’t have to worry about crowding bookshelves and counter space with stuff.

If you’re about to move, gather your belongings and place each item into one of the following piles:

  • Sell – What items can you sell to make a marginal profit?
  • Donate – What items can you do without, but want to donate to a charitable cause?
  • Keep – What items must you keep?
  • Throw away – What items don’t have any value and belong in the nearest landfill?

Decide which item belongs in which pile and then stay true to your word. If something ends up in the throw away pile, throw it away. Try to donate as many used clothes and useful belongings as possible. Local shelters accept donations year-round and will appreciate your contribution.

Let in the Light

Once you move in, open up every window and let light into your new home. Natural light increases productivity and comfort while providing mental and visual stimulation. Natural light has also been touted for other aesthetic, environmental, and health benefits, including the following:

  • Stabilizes moods
  • Increases energy levels
  • Balances sleep patterns
  • Improves vision and eye development
  • Increases vitamin D absorption (vitamin D regulates the immune system, helps you maintains body weight, controls asthma, and keeps the brain energized)
  • Reduces mold and mildew
  • Improves the look of any space (illuminates interior structures)
  • Decreases energy waste (eliminates the need for artificial light)

Natural light also helps the plants in your home thrive-and lush greenery is another key element of feng shui in your home.

Introduce GreenPlants

Open up your home to the freshest greens of every season. When you incorporate green into your home, you add a natural element and allow energy to congregate in each space. Indoor plants will keep your indoor air clean and pure-and fill it with much needed oxygen. The top five air-purifying plants include:

  • Areca Palm
  • Lady Palm
  • Bamboo Palm
  • Rubber Plant
  • Dracaena Janet Craig

Each of these air-purifying plants is easy to care for and incredibly attractive. While some remove toxins and resist insect infestation, others soften energy and improve air quality. Whatever indoor needs you have, trust indoor plants to improve the qi in your home space.

Map It Out

Each space has a feng shui energy map, also known as bagua. Once you define the bagua of your space, you can know which areas of your home have a connection with specific areas of your life. Generally, the bagua of most homes is as follows:

  • North: Career
  • Northeast: Spirituality
  • East: Health and family
  • Southeast: Wealth and abundance
  • South: Fame and reputation
  • Southwest: Love and marriage
  • West: Creativity and children
  • Northwest: Charity and blessings

If you don’t know how to define the bagua of your home, just assume it has a similar bagua as the common list above.

Create Feng Shui

Now that you have a general idea of your home’s feng shui energy map, start creating balance and harmony. If you want to increase your wealth, incorporate natural elements (wood, water, plants, etc.) into the southeast area of your home. If you want to improve your relationship with your spouse or children, focus on the west and southwest areas.

Feng shui allows you to get creative and use your own energy to improve your home’s energy. Don’t move into a new space without de-cluttering, letting in light, incorporating plants, mapping out your home’s bagua, and creating balance and harmony. Use these steps to improve the qi in your home and improve the most important aspects of your life.

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