The Wheaton Blog

How to Manage Morning Sickness During Your Move

October 25, 2016 | Moving Tips

You were thrilled when your partner announced a new job. You both couldn’t wait to find a new home closer to work, and you felt excited about the upcoming move.

But what’s this? Even more good news! Your pregnancy test came back positive. You can’t wait to meet the newest member of your family, and you know your new home will have plenty of room for your family to grow.

Unfortunately, the timing couldn’t have been worse. Just when you need to pack, plan, and prepare, you can’t pull yourself away from the toilet. The queasiness and nausea hit you in unpredictable waves, and you never know when a scent or a food will trigger another round of vomiting.

How can you make your morning sickness more manageable for your upcoming move?

1. Find the Food That Works for You

When you feel sick to your stomach, the last thing you want is more food. Even your favorite spicy, greasy foods kill your appetite rather than whetting it.

However, low blood sugar exacerbates morning sickness and leaves you feeling exhausted and light-headed.  So to keep the nausea at bay, consider nibbling small meals throughout the day.

Although tolerable foods vary among mothers, many find that bland carbohydrates work well to settle the stomach: crackers, dry toast, cereal, pretzels, and potato chips. Others recommend citrus candies, ginger, and herbal teas.

As you test different foods, keep a journal of what works best for you, and be sure to have these snacks on hand on moving day.

2. Take Your Time and Move Slowly

If you have to pack up your entire home and move within a few weeks, you may feel rushed to finish your lengthy to-do list. For example, you may feel pressured to wake up early, pack, tape, and label each box before noon, and then pick up change-of-address forms before dinner.

But many women find that sudden movements can bring on a fresh wave of nausea, much like motion sickness. So take your time and move with slow, careful precision.

In the mornings, nibble a few crackers, and then rest for 20 to 30 minutes rather than jumping out of bed. Participate in light, meditative exercise such as prenatal yoga or walking during the evening (or vice versa if you feel more nauseous at night). And, if necessary, extend your moving date so you have more time to leisurely pack and organize your items.

3. Drink Small Sips to Stay Hydrated

Vomiting several times each morning (and throughout the day) contributes to dehydration. Dehydration, in turn, often contributes to nausea, resulting in a vicious cycle. Some cases of morning sickness can lead to dehydration so severe that the mother requires hospitalization for IV fluids.

If you feel up to packing and moving heavy boxes, keep in mind that excessive sweating can also lead to dehydration. And when you have to move in hot, humid weather, you can suffer from overheating and overexertion, which also worsen nausea and dehydration.

To keep you and your baby safe, keep a water bottle on hand and take frequent sips. If you struggle to keep bland tap water down, consider adding a spritz of lemon or mint to settle your stomach. Avoid flavoring your drinks with too much sugar, as it can make your blood sugar levels spike and make you feel worse.

4. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Mothers feel varying degrees of morning sickness. Some women only feel faintly queasy, while others may vomit multiple times a day for weeks on end. Although the above tips can help you control some of your symptoms, don’t feel embarrassed to reach out for help if your morning sickness seems unmanageable.

Your doctor can recommend medication and lifestyle changes to keep your nausea at bay. Your partner and extended family members can watch your children when you feel too queasy to chase after them. And your moving team can pack up and load your clothes, appliances, and furniture without you ever lifting a finger.

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