The Wheaton Blog

New Year, New Home: How to Help Your Family Adjust to Your New Space

November 29, 2022 | New Home Living

Are you starting fresh in the new year with a new home? How exciting! However, along with the excitement, moving can be extremely hard on everyone. It can be especially difficult on families with young kids. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you and your kiddos adjust to your new space.

New year, new home: How to help your family adjust to your new space

By following our tips, you can have your new house feeling like home in no time!

1. Incorporate your kids into moving day

If your kids are old enough, have them help with small moving tasks. They can transport easy-to-carry and light items to the car or moving truck. Have your kids put together an essentials backpack. Include overnight necessities like a toothbrush and toothpaste, a change of clothes, and even their favorite stuffed animal. If any of your children have a special item they meltdown without – a blanket, a pacifier, a lovey, etc. – make sure you keep it with you!

For little ones, make sure they have coloring books and activities on hand so they can play independently.

2. Take a house tour

There’s a very good chance that your family has already had a tour of the house by the time you move in, but if you’re moving across several states, your children might have only seen the new home on a deviceTo make everyone feel at home, it’s helpful to walk through the house, room by room, as a family. Talk about what the room will be and what it will look like.

When you get to the kids’ rooms, let them know they can have input into decorating.

3. Unpack your kids’ rooms first

Unpack the kids’ rooms as soon as possible. Have the little ones help you unpack, organize and set up their new bedrooms. The more input the children can have, the better. If they get to make the decisions, they’ll feel more ownership over the room and be more excited about the new place. The sooner they have their bedrooms set up, the sooner they’ll feel at home!

4. Get back into a routine

Once you’ve unpacked and decorated, make sure you get your kids back to a routine as soon as possible. You might be considering a break before getting them back to school or into sports; if so, consider that little ones thrive on routine. If your family, neighbors or other friend groups used to meet up locally weekly, try to turn that into a weekly virtual meet-up. Have you done a family movie or game night in the past? Keep it up! Anything that happened at your previous home should be incorporated back into the schedule.

5. Hire a professional moving company

Hiring a moving company for your move will allow you to focus on the mental and physical health of both you and your family. From packing to storage to delivery, a professional moving company like Wheaton Worldwide can take care of all things moving so you can focus on what really matters: making your new house a home.

How to start your move with Wheaton World Wide
Wheaton is here to make your move as easy as possible so you can focus on helping your family adjust to your new home. Get help with your move by contacting Wheaton World Wide today! Our mission is to provide you with peace of mind by offering exceptional moving services. We look forward to hearing from you!

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