The Wheaton Blog

Earthquake Proof Your Home

August 24, 2011 | Packing Guides & Tips

After this week’s recent earthquakes along the east coast and Midwest, now is a good time to go over what homeowners need to do to prepare their homes for the event of an earthquake. You never know when one might occur, and it is best to be prepared.

Here are 10 tips to follow:

1. Put all breakable and heavy objects on low shelves.

2. Secure tall or heavy objects to the wall.

3. Brace your water heater.

4. Inspect your garage for items that can fall and damage vehicles.

5. Designate “safe spots” in each room of your house.

6. Mount latches on cabinets and doors.

7. Learn how to work your utility shutoffs.

8. Plan for a secondary exit from the upper floors of your home.

9. Create an emergency disaster kit.

10. Design your own disaster plan.



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