The Wheaton Blog

How to Purge Your Pantry Before the Move

December 6, 2011 | Moving Guides & Tips, Packing Guides & Tips

Your household move is fast approaching, but your pantry looks as if you just returned from the grocery store. What to do with all the excess food?

We came across this great article from Real Simple that offers you ways to give your pantry a makeover:

Empty and Categorize
Remove everything out of your pantry and separate items into four categories.

  • Items you use every day
  • Items you use less frequently
  • Unopened items that can be donated (Click here to find a local food bank nearest you)
  • Expired or suspicious items to trash

Clean the Shelves
Vacuum any crumbs off the shelves and floor. Wipe down each shelf with a damp cloth and let dry before restocking the shelves.

Restock Smartly
Refill your pantry in organized zones utilizing sections (i.e. baking items, breakfast items, etc.)

Read the entire article here from Real Simple Magazine.

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