The Wheaton Blog

How to live with roommates…successfully

May 10, 2014 | Moving Guides & Tips

According to your standards, is leaving your shoes on the dining room table unacceptable? What may seem obvious to you may not be to a roommate.

Recent studies suggest that roommates are replacing spouses in the 20th Century. As a Millennial who has successfully lived with the same roommate for three years, I’m here to tell you successfully living with a roommate is possible.

Talk, talk, talk
Communication is a little detail that can make a BIG difference when living with others. Open and honest communication between roommates is crucial. This is especially true for roommates with a strong history of friendship. Confronting your roommates about a problem will be worth it in the long run. Allowing it to fester will only allow passiveness to pry its way into your living space.

Start with chores
As silly and elementary as it may sound, having a chore chart can save a lot of drama. Get as creative and cute with your chore chart as you want. Visit the craft store and decorate your chore chart to your heart’s desire then simply list each roommates’ name with the rotating chore(s) for which they are responsible. Understanding who is to do what around the house will establish expectations.

In a perfect world, one could assume that everyone would have common courtesy when it comes to ‘rules of the house’. However, that’s not always the case. Clearly communicating one another’s expectations is a must. Here are some conversation starters:

  • Are we going to allow pets in the house? Who will be responsible for them?
  • Will we divide up the cost for food? Or will this remain separate?
  • What boundaries will we have for the common areas?
  • Any rules for visitors: family, friends, significant others, etc.?
  • Will there be a quiet time? Ex: During the week days after 11:00 p.m.

I am certain that with these tips, some cheap wine and good laughs, living with roommates can be some of the best years of your life!

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