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Moving While Pregnant? Use These Tips to Have a Stress-Free Move for You & the Baby

August 20, 2024 | Moving Tips

Moving when pregnant isn’t always part of the plan. The thought of packing, traveling and walking during the moving process might seem intimidating. After all, who wants to go through the stress of a move on top of swollen ankles, back aches and physical exhaustion that can come with pregnancy? 

The good news is, with the right preparation and planning you can still move while pregnant. Whether you need advice for moving across the country while pregnant or are looking for packing tips to make the day easier on your body and mind, we have you covered. 

Give Yourself Extra Time

Pregnant woman on the couch.

There’s no getting around it, moving takes a lot of work. You need to pack up all of your belongings, organize movers, stay on top of paperwork and handle a variety of miscellaneous tasks all before settling into your new home. It takes even more time when moving while pregnant. 

Give yourself the gift of time by deciding to plan well in advance. Many women find that they move a little slower while pregnant. You might need to take more breaks throughout the day or it might take you more time to complete all the preparation. Start the moving process as soon as possible to make things easier on yourself.

Packing Tips for Moving While Pregnant

Following generic packing tips can help make the move go smoothly, but there are a few additional pregnant-specific packing tips to take into account: 

  • Pack with unpacking in mind. Take special care to pack, and label your moving boxes by room to make unpacking go quickly and smoothly.
  • Pack a separate suitcase with the items you need for your pregnancy. You want any vitamins, medications, hospital bag and other belongings you use during your pregnancy handy at all times. Packing a separate suitcase will make these accessible and ensure that you have them when you need them. 
  • Get help packing the heavy items. Don’t push yourself while pregnant. Many people need to avoid lifting heavy items or moving furniture while pregnant. Ask your partner, family member or friend to pack the items that are too heavy for you. Or, better yet, hire professional packing services

Pack Enough Items to Last You at Least Three Days

Another packing tip for moving during pregnancy is to pack enough items to last you for three days. It will take you some time to get fully unpacked. Make it easier by packing the items you know you’ll need for your first few days in your car or in a suitcase. You will find these items will bring comfort and reduce stress while you’re between houses. Having the needed items on-hand will also save you from frantically searching through boxes to try and find your pajamas or towels at the last second.

Many pregnant women find they have a few items they can’t live without. Whether you prefer a body pillow or a specific snack, keep a few needed objects with you during the move. You may also want to include lotion, food and comfort items in your bag.

Organize Important Documents

Remember to pack all of your important documents. You should know where your important documents are at all times and have them available in case of an emergency. 

Pack them in an overnight bag that you plan to keep with you. This will keep them from getting lost or damaged during the move. These documents may include:

  • Birth certificates
  • Social Security cards
  • Homeowners insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Closing papers
  • Immunization records

Arrange Childcare

If you have children and you’re pregnant, arrange childcare for the days while you’re moving. Once you start packing for the move, life will get even more hectic, and you may not have time to call someone on the day of the move for help babysitting. You can save yourself a fair amount of stress by having a babysitter come watch your kids while you focus on packing and organizing.

Hire a Cleaning Company

Cleaning your new home is a great way to prepare for your relocation. You’ll be able to get into all the nooks and crannies while cleaning an empty house, and you’ll kill germs and bacteria that the previous residents may have left behind. However, if you’re relocating while pregnant, you might not have the energy or time to do the cleaning yourself. Consider hiring a cleaning company to relieve some stress. 

A couple holding plants.

Find a New Doctor

If you’re moving across the country while pregnant, you may find that your new home is too far away to continue visiting your current doctor. A few weeks before you move, find a doctor in your new area. Do your best to find a healthcare provider similar to your previous doctor. You can ask your doctor for healthcare providers that they would recommend.

Once you find your new doctor, call their office to book your first appointment. You will need to take copies of your prenatal file and medical records to your new doctor, so make sure you get these from your old hospital before you move away. That way, you won’t have to deal with a lapse in health care. 

Take Care of Yourself

If your family or friends offer to help during your move, don’t hesitate to say yes. Although you may not ask for help very often, moving while pregnant is the exception. Your main goal should be to move safely and healthily. Stay as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Your physical and emotional state can have a huge impact on your pregnancy, so take care of yourself during the moving period.

Get plenty of sleep and stay out of extreme temperatures. Take breaks from packing and drink plenty of water. Never exhaust yourself. You may also want to try eating citrus fruits to enhance your strength and energy. Schedule naps and go for relaxing walks. Plan extra time to regain your physical and mental energy.

Move Safely While Pregnant: Move With Wheaton 

If you want to ensure that your move goes as seamlessly as possible, hire a moving company like Wheaton World Wide. We can take care of everything, from packing up your home to lifting heavy objects. This will help take the pressure off of you and your family so you can focus on your health and the baby. Get in touch to get started! 

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