There are a lot of unknowns when moving a cat to a new home. Your outdoor cat is adventurous and resilient. However, moving to a new home is a big change, and there’s a good chance your furry friend will need some help adjusting.
Immediately after your move, your outdoor cat is at a higher risk of getting lost or injured due to your new yard and neighborhood. This is why it’s good to plan ahead, do some research and learn how to move outdoor cats the right way.
If you’re worried about your pet and wondering, do cats get lost when you move? Or how do I transition an outside cat to a new home? You’re in the right place. The experts at Wheaton have compiled a few tips to ease your worries and protect your cat from potential hazards during a move. So, paws for a moment and read our 6 tips to follow when moving a cat to a new home:
Follow These Tips When Moving with an Outdoor Cat
Are you moving with your purring pal? Follow these tips on how to transition an outside cat to a new home:
1. Update your cat’s information

Many outdoor cats like to wander around “their territory” (usually your neighborhood). To find their way home, they use familiar sights, sounds and smells. So, to answer the question, do cats get lost when you move? It’s possible. At your new home everything will be unfamiliar, so you should make sure they can be brought back or found if they wander off too far.
The best way to do this is to update your cat’s licensing. Put tags with your new address and an accurate phone number on them. If your cat is extra adventurous, you may want to consider investing in a microchip.
2. Find a vet

Moves are stressful for everyone—moving an outdoor cat to a new home adds another layer of stress, for you and for your cat. Just like it’s important for you to find a new medical provider after a move, it’s important to find a vet for your pet.
A local vet can provide you with recommendations on differences in climate or plant life between your last house and your current home. You may need to take medical steps to help your cat adjust, especially if the weather in your new area is significantly different than your old home.
3. Pet-proof the yard for your outdoor cat

Before letting your cat run free, assess the condition of your fence and look for any potential hazards, including:
- Holes
- Insect infestations, especially of stinging insects
- Poisonous plants
- Stagnant pools of water
When moving a cat to a new home, it is crucial that you resolve any issues you find before letting your pet roam free.
4. Walk the neighborhood

Explore the neighborhood before letting your outdoor cat out of your yard. Keep an eye out for anything dangerous such as aggressive animals, large or busy roads or active construction sites.
During your neighborhood exploration, introduce yourself to other cat owners in the area. Chat with your neighbors to get a feel for how well your animal will do in your new neighborhood. You never know; they might have some tips on how they moved their outdoor cat to this specific location!
5. Learn about local restrictions

In most rural areas, cats are able to happily roam free wherever they choose. However, if your new home is in a city or suburb, there may be restrictions intended to reduce the number of strays in the area.
Check with your new city to see if there are any restrictions or if you are required to provide your cat with a certain type of licensing.
6. Keep your outdoor cat inside for two weeks

Even if your cat is rarely inside, it’s important to keep your pet inside for at least two weeks after your move. This time period allows your cat to become comfortable with the layout and atmosphere of your new home. Plus, if your cat needs to be brought inside in the future, this time in your home will help them feel more comfortable and stay calmer and better behaved.
If the weather permits, leave your windows open during the day so your cat has a chance to smell the air, watch the wildlife and become somewhat familiar with your yard. The first time you let your cat outside without a leash, provide some supervision, and keep your home accessible.
Your animal will likely feel safer in its new yard if it has the familiarity of home to retreat to if necessary.
Moving with an Outdoor Cat? Get Help from the Experts at Wheaton.
We hope the tips above will help your pet feel happy and safe in their new environment! And now that you know how to move an outdoor cat, it’s time to get started with the relocation process.
Wheaton isn’t just helpful when moving a cat to a new home; we can help with every step of your relocation! To get started with your hassle-free relocation, get in touch with the professional movers at Wheaton.