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Moving While Pregnant? What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

April 18, 2019 | Moving Guides & Tips

During pregnancy, you must avoid overexerting yourself. You also need to eat right, get enough sleep, and avoid unnecessary stress. That’s why moving while pregnant can be very disruptive. It’s well-known that moving can cause stress and lead to poor eating habits (because people often eat takeout when their pots are packed), loss of sleep (from stress and a long to-do list), and intense physical exertion while packing.

Therefore, moving while pregnant can cause a variety of problems for you if you are not careful. These moving tips can help you to avoid problems that can complicate your pregnancy.

Be Certain This Is What You Want to Do

Before you start packing your boxes and calling movers, ask yourself whether or not moving is something you must do right now. If you can put off moving until after your pregnancy, you’ll be able to take a more active role in the moving process. You’ll be able to pack more boxes, take apart furniture, haul heavier loads, and help other people in your household.

If you have already bought a house, have already signed a lease, or have already accepted a new job in a new city that requires relocation, then now is probably the time to move. If not, give strong consideration to your options before committing yourself to moving before having your baby.

Talk to Your Doctor

Every pregnancy is different, and some women are able to be more active than others while pregnant. Talk to your doctor to find out how much physical activity you can do in one day, how many pounds you’re able to lift, what kind of symptoms to watch out for, and what you can do to stay safe while packing.

Once your doctor has set parameters for a safe relocation experience, work with members of your family to ensure that you have the help you need to keep your relocation safe.

Get Help From Friends and Relatives

You’re almost certainly going to need help from friends and relatives during your relocation. If many people have offered to help, try to space out your volunteers so you won’t wear anyone out.

Also, play to your volunteer’s strengths or skills. For example, a friend who is a good cook might bake some casseroles that you can freeze, so you can focus on packing instead of cooking. If another friend happens to have a very large tool chest, ask that friend to help you take apart furniture and remove shelves from the walls.

Find Ways to Help While Sitting Down

At some point or another, your doctor may restrict you to bed rest or ask you to avoid any kind of physical exertion. If this happens, you’ll find yourself searching for ways to help while sitting down. You might be surprised by all the ways that you could help from a bed or couch. For example:

  • Call the utility company to turn on or shut off services in your new and old homes, respectively.
  • Purchase moving boxes online through moving supply delivery companies.
  • Budget moving expenses.
  • Create an inventory sheet of your valuables before the moving truck arrives to take them.
  • Create a moving file that includes all the paperwork needed to relocate.
  • Choose a doctor in your new home, and make any arrangements to change health insurance companies.
  • Research places you would like to go in your new community.
  • Research schools in the new location for any school-aged children you might have.
  • Research birthing centers or hospitals near your new home to pick the place where you would like to have your baby.
  • Change addresses with your subscriptions and newspapers.

In other words, you can stay busy and contribute to the moving effort even while sitting down.

Take Frequent Breaks

If your doctor has said that you’re alright to pack boxes, take frequent breaks while you’re doing it. Set your alarm to sit down and take a rest every half an hour while packing.

Make a Hospital Bag Early

Pack your hospital bag early on in the moving process, before many of the things that you might want to take with you to the hospital are put into boxes. Even if your due date isn’t until well after your relocation, you’ll be glad that you don’t have to sort through boxes just to find the things you want to bring with you to the hospital.

Get Professional Help

The best way to avoid overexerting yourself while moving is to hire professional movers to do your packing and to load and unload your truck. If you’re newly pregnant and going to be moving soon, contact a reputable moving company in your area.

At Wheaton World Wide Moving, we’re happy to answer your questions about safe moving. To find out more about how we can make your relocation easier, contact us today.

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