When you are applying for a job, it is vital to provide your prospective employer with a viable list of references. If an employer is going to hire you they want to make sure you are worth the investment. This same principle is true when considering which moving company to choose for your next move. The following article discusses why it is important to obtain a mover’s references and what kinds of questions you should be asking to ensure you make an informed decision.
When trying to find references for a particular moving company, online reviews are the most convenient and plentiful, but word-of-mouth testimony can be even more valuable, especially if the person or company you speak to is located in your area. If the company is nationwide this will give you a feel for what their customer service is like on a more localized level. For any online reviews that you reference, check the date to ensure that they are as current as possible. Sometimes companies that had sterling reputations a couple of years ago may have gone downhill for any number of reasons, such as change in management.
There are plenty of questions you should ask while seeking out references, whether you are looking online, in person or both:
- Were the movers timely and efficient?
- How accurate was the company’s initial moving estimate?
- Does the company offer binding or non-binding estimates?
- In regards to your personal belongings, did the movers handle everything with care?
- How was the staff?
- Were they helpful and courteous or were they rude and incompetent?
You should also ask for and verify the mover’s D.O.T. number to ensure they operate in a safe and legal manner, and to see if the company plans on bringing in any sub-contractors. Also, when reading online reviews be thorough and greet everything with a degree of skepticism, as some companies have taken to hiring content writers to create positive reviews, regardless of actual performance. Another point to consider: it is far easier for people to be critical online when masked behind a computer than they would be in a face-to-face setting. Keep this in mind as well when looking through reviews.
Remember that when you request a moving quote you are essentially beginning an interview process. You are the employer and you assume all of the risk, so asking for or seeking out references is essential if you want your move to be successful.
Are you looking for a mover? We have website reviews readily available for you to read through. Simply head this way and check out our reviews page!