Usually when you see a post on a moving company’s site about how to have a stress-free move, it’s “hey, hire us!” While hiring a reputable mover is clearly a huge help (if only for your back!), this post isn’t from our perspective; it’s a customer guide just for you.
Customer Lindsay of WomanGettingMarried moved with us this year and wrote her takeaways in a step-by-step guide to a stress-free moving day. She and her husband had undertaken long distance moves before, but it had been a long time since their last move, so it felt like a brand new experience all over again.
If you’re about to move — no matter what distance — you’ll want to read Lindsay’s customer guide post before you get started with your moving logistics. Her guide will help you plan out your move, making sure you leave enough time for each piece of the moving puzzle.
Let us know if you have any questions after reviewing Lindsay’s customer guide. We’re happy to help you through a smooth move!