The Wheaton Blog

Commonly Forgotten Things While Moving

May 24, 2024 | Packing Guides & Tips

You may find yourself making endless lists, tying up countless loose ends and packing boxes on boxes of belongings while you prepare for your move. And despite your best efforts, things can still fall through the cracks. That’s why we’ve created a list of things that our customers commonly forget to pack and do before they relocate. 

7 Things That Are Easy to Forget When Packing For a Move

Reference this list to keep yourself from asking, what did I forget to pack now? 

Charging cords plugged in.

1. Cords and Chargers

The most vulnerable items are the ones you use right up until the moment you need to leave. If possible, charge any electronics the day before you move. Once the batteries are full, pack your cords in personal bags so you can easily check that they’re there before you leave the house.

2. Cutlery 

The saying, “out of site, out of mind” often comes into play during a move. Cutlery may be left behind in drawers or the dishwasher. Check every place you store dishes when packing up your kitchen. 

Cans of food in a box.

3. Food

Food can pose a particular challenge during a move. Not only do you have to decide what to eat beforehand, what to take with you and what to throw out, you must also consider how you’ll transport the food you decide to take with you. 

During the last sweep of your house, look in every cupboard, refrigerator drawer and pantry shelf. Remember to pack up any stashed-away food like special occasion treats or school lunch snacks. 

4. Mail 

Failing to forward mail is fairly common. However, mail left behind in an old box can be more than an inconvenience. Some would-be identity thieves steal mail that’s left unattended to collect personally identifying information.

Schedule mail forwarding to begin the day before you move. If you have a trusted neighbor or family member near your old house, consider asking them to check for any missed mail once you’re gone.

5. Medical Supplies

You probably won’t forget your toothpaste and toothbrush because these items tend to stay out on the counter. But what about the bandages, medication and other medical supplies in your medicine cabinets?

If you have lots of medical supplies to account for, have each member of your family fill their own box with the medicines that belong to them. This step can prevent you from leaving behind important prescriptions. 

Person holding money.

6. Money

Anything that you may stash away for a rainy day can be left behind when you move. A surprising number of homeowners inadvertently forget cash, cards or loose change.

Before you begin packing, take stock of the money in your home. Consider placing any loose bills, credit cards or coins into a safe, transportable container (like a handheld safe). 

7. Official Documents

In the chaos that ensues before a move, you may need to reference documents that you primarily keep filed away. These documents may include your lease, passport or financial records.

Consider creating a file folder, box or page-protecting sleeve for each family member’s documents. Use additional containers for family financial documents, automotive records and other paperwork that doesn’t belong to a single person. 

Don’t Forget To Do These Things Before You Move

Now that you know what you need to remember to pack, make sure you remember these essential to-dos: 

  • Service Cancellations and Transfers: Cancel or transfer all home services like cable, internet and utilities at least a week in advance.
  • Cleaning the Old Residence: Schedule a cleaning for your old place after everything is moved out to ensure you get your deposit back.
  • Update Address: Update your address with banks, insurance and other institutions to ensure the continuity of your personal information.
  • Essentials Box: Pack an essentials box with toiletries, dishes, tools, snacks and bedding for your first night.
  • Pet Arrangements: Make specific plans for the care and transport of pets during the move to ensure their safety and comfort.
  • Utility Check: Confirm that utilities at your new home are set up and working before moving day.
  • Spare Key: Keep a spare key for both your old and new residences to avoid being locked out.
  • Important Notifications: Notify your workplace, your children’s school and any relevant entities about your move.
  • Parking Arrangements: Arrange parking for the moving truck, especially in areas with limited space.
  • Take Photos of Valuables: Photograph valuable items pre-move for valuation protection purposes.
  • Final Walk-Through: Conduct a final inspection of your old home to ensure nothing is left behind and check utility meters.

And Most of All, Remember to Move With Wheaton!

If you’re looking for a moving company to help reduce your stress as the big day approaches, contact Wheaton World Wide. You can also request a free moving estimate to get a better idea of how much your move will cost. We’re here to help you every step of the way! 

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